Here’s what a recent survey revealed about the differences between younger and older home buyers:
Younger Buyers
•Typically bought homes built around 1986
•Bought a home within 10 miles of previous residence
•More likely to purchase in urban or central city
•Bought because they desire to own their own home
•Chose neighborhood for convenience to jobs, better affordability and quality schools
•Made more concessions regarding home purchase
•Found the home they purchased through the internet
Older Buyers
•Typically Bought homes built around 1996
•Moved longer distances, more than 20 miles
•More likely to move out of state or region
•Bought a home to be closer to family and friends
•Chose neighborhood for health care facilities and to be closer to family and friends
•Generally did not make any concessions on their home purchase
•Learned about the home they purchased through their real estate agent