The real estate industry lost a number of real estate professionals in past years because there were not enough sales to support them. Many have remained in the business, but on a part time basis. They’ve been forced to take another job just to make ends meet. As the market continues to improve, many of these folks will return to the business full time.
If you are considering a career in real estate or returning to the business, then check us out at www.TopofKnox.com.
Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® is a network of 565 of the very best real estate firms that are located in 65 countries. These firms have 4,100 offices with 130,000 sales associates. In 2016 these firms had sales valued at over $368 billion dollars, representing 1.1 million transactions, which placed Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® #1 in sales volume in the United States.
Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® outperformed all other national brands by 62 billion in sales.
When buying or selling property, select a member firm such as Ferguson Realtors to assist you.
These tips came from a survey of 400 real estate professionals. These items are listed in order of importance, from most to least.
Source: Market Leader.com
Loan terms, rates, and products can vary significantly from one company to the next. When shopping around, these are a few things you should ask about.
What are the most popular mortgages you offer? Why are they so popular?
Are your rates, terms, fees, and closing costs negotiable?
Do you offer discounts for inspections, home ownership classes, or automatic payment set-up?
Will I have to buy private mortgage insurance? If so, how much will it cost, and how long will it be required?
What escrow requirements do you have?
What kind of bill-pay options do you offer?
What would be included in my mortgage payment (homeowners insurance, property taxes, etc.)?
Which type of mortgage plan would you recommend for my situation?
Who will service this loan—your bank or another company?
How long will the rate on this loan be in a lock-in period? Will I be able to obtain a lower rate if the market rate drops during this period?
How long will the loan approval process take?
How long will it take to close the loan?
Are there any charges or penalties for prepaying this loan?
How much will I be paying total over the life of this loan?
Source: National Association of REALTORS®