- A clean uncluttered home sells
- Homes priced right sell
- Selling a home is inconvenient
- Repairs left undone will cost you more money than the repair itself
- Overpricing your home will help to sell your neighbor’s home
- Buyers love to grill sellers that are present for home showings
- Smelly homes sell for less money
- Cash is not always king
- Well maintained homes sell for more money
All posts by Philip Ford
Cherokee Lake – Lakefront Lot For Sale
Cherokee Lake – Grainger’s Landing / Private Marina
More Professionals Weigh a Job in Real Estate
The number of applications for real estate licenses is up in many areas of the country due to the improving real estate market. The National Association of REALTORS® added 42,000 agents in 2013, which marked the first increase in about seven years.
If your are considering a career in real estate or are looking to return to the business, then click on the link below to find out more about Ferguson Realtors and what we can offer you to make your real estate career a success.
Tips for Moving with Pets
Farragut – Great Value!
Lake Front Lot – Close-in West knoxville
Home For Sale – Great Value
Fort Loudon Lake Front Lot – 5.96 Acres
Most Common Regrets of the First-time Homebuyer
- 62% outgrew their homes quickly and wished they had purchased a larger home
- 40% feel they paid too much or should of put more down
- 38% were surprised by how much it costs to maintain a home
- 34% wished they had negotiated more or found a better mortgage rate
- 25% found out after moving in that they didn’t like the neighborhood
- 24% have regrets related to their yard
- 17% dislike their parking situation
Source: HouseHunt.com